The SAMSON Eco Hopper is an ecologically sensitive solution fulfilling all needs for the efficient import of dry bulk cargoes. The hoppers are designed to suit the characteristics and flow properties of virtually any bulk material. Rates of 5,000tph may be achieved, subject to grab crane performance. The throughput of the terminal can be increased by adding one or more hoppers, and ensuring that onward handling systems can accommodate the increased capacity.
Functions and characteristics include: extensive dust control features (flex flaps, dust seals, dust control filters, air compressor); multiple discharge options: to conveyor, to truck, via telescopic chute, through ancillary material feeder; multiple travel options: rail, static or pneumatic tyre mounted, or powered and towable travel, Increased safety features (level detectors, strain gauges, structural design to withstand overload to top of skirt), robust design (top shroud, grab impact grill).
Benefits include: the minimization of fugitive dust; adaptability to a range of onwards processing or logistics require ments; ability to be used on non-dedicated quays and moved off the area when not in use; flexible positioning to suit the unloading vessel; and the ability to work with a wide variety of materials with differing characteristics.
The pictures below show the comparison between a regular hopper with no filtration system and a SAMSON Eco Hopper with state-of-the-art filters, that not only contribute towards close to zero environ mental impact, but also to reduced loss of material due to elements.
Many dry bulk commodities such as cement are prone to spillage and can cause dust, posing issues for ports that will become ever more widespread due to ever tightening of pollution guidelines, regulations and laws. This is especially concerning for low volume operators that work occasionally or seasonally and will not be able to invest in hefty infrastructure projects as easily as operators and ports with regular flow. Ports handling dry bulk need to consider the vast differences between handling containers and the issues faced with dry bulk goods.